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Auclair-Daigle, C., Bureau, M. N., Legoux, J. G., & Yahia, L. (2005). Bioactive Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Polymer Composites for Orthopedic Implants. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A, 73A(4), 398-408. External link
Bellemare, S. C., Dickson, J. I., Bureau, M. N., & Denault, J. (2005). Bulk Fatigue Damage Evolution in Polyamide-6 and in a Polyamide-6 Nanocomposite. Polymer Composites, 26(5), 636-646. External link
Bellemare, S. C., Bureau, M. N., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (2004). Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation in Polyamide-6 and in Polyamide-6 Nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 25(4), 433-441. External link
Bureau, M. N., Perrin, F., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (2002). Interlaminar Fatigue Crack Propagation in Continuous Glass Fiber/Polypropylene Composites. International Journal of Fatigue, 24(2-4), 99-108. External link
Bureau, M. N., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (2001). Effect of the Molding Conditions on Mode Ii Interlaminar Crack Propagation in Continuous Glass Fiber/Polypropylene Composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 14(5), 374-403. External link
Bureau, M. N., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (2001). Fractographic Interpretation of the Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Polystyrene and Polystyrene/Polyethylene Blends. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 20(20), 1901-1904. External link
Bureau, M. N., Denault, J., Perrin, F., & Dickson, J. I. (2000, May). Crack propagation in continuous glass fiber/polypropylene composites: matrix microstructure effect [Paper]. Antec 2000, Orlando, FL. External link
Bureau, M. N., Di Francesco, E., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (1997, October). Mechanical behavior of injection-molded polystyrene/polyethylene blends: fracture toughness versus fatigue crack propagation [Paper]. Conference on Polymer Blends, Alloys and Filled Systems (Polyblends - 97), Boucherville, Québec. Published in Polymer engineering and science, 39(6). External link
Bureau, M. N., El Kadi, H., Denault, J., Dickson, J. I., & Frechinet, S. (1999). Processing-structure-property relations in PS/PE blends: Compression versus injection molding. In Behnam, P. (ed.), Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics (pp. 145-154). External link
Bureau, M. N., Dickson, J. I., & Denault, J. (1998). Comparison of the Fatigue Propagation Behaviour of Polystyrene and 95/5 Polystyrene/Polyethylene Blends. Journal of Materials Science, 33(6), 1591-1606. External link
Bureau, M. N., Dickson, J. I., & Denault, J. (1998). Fatigue Propagation Behaviour of Polystyrene/Polyethylene Blends. Journal of Materials Science, 33(6), 1405-1419. External link
Bureau, M. N., Di Francesco, E., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (1997, October). Mechanical behavior of injection-molded polystyrene/polyethylene blends: Fracture toughness versus fatigue crack propagation [Paper]. 1997 International Symposium on Polymer Blends, Alloys and Filled Systems, POLYBLENDS, Boucherville, Can. Unavailable
Bureau, M. N., El Kadi, H., Denault, J., Dickson, J. I., & Frechinet, S. (1996). Processing-structure-property relations in PS/PE blends: Compression versus injection molding. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 2, 2220-2224. Unavailable
Caouette, C., Yahia, L., & Bureau, M. N. (2011). Reduced stress shielding with limited micromotions using a carbon fibre composite biomimetic hip stem: A finite element model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 225(9), 907-919. External link
Campbell, M., Bougherara, H. A., Yahia, L., Bureau, M. N., Legoux, J.-G., & Denault, J. (2006, November). Biomimetic polymer composites for orthopedic hip implants [Paper]. Materials and Processes for Medical Devices Conference 2005, Boston, MA, United States. Unavailable
Campbell, M., Bureau, M. N., Bougherara, H. A., Denault, J., & Yahia, L. (2006, May). Biomimetic polymer composites for orthopedic implants [Paper]. ANTEC 2006, Charlotte, NC, United States. External link
Dickson, J. I., Bailon, J.-P., Xia, J., & Bureau, M. N. (1993, May). Extrusions-intrusions in cu and 70 Cu-30 Zn [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Fatigue and Fatigue Thresholds (FATIGUE 1993), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Perrin, F., Bureau, M. N., Denault, J., & Dickson, J. I. (2003). Mode I interlaminar crack propagation in continuous glass fiber/polypropylene composites: temperature and molding condition dependence. Composites Science and Technology, 63(5), 597-607. External link