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Brown, W., Derenne, M., & Bouzid, A. (2001, July). Determination of gasket stress levels during high temperature flange operation [Paper]. ASME/PVP Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA. Unavailable
Bouzid, A., & Derenne, M. (1997, July). Distribution of the gasket contact stress in bolted flanged connections [Paper]. 1997 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, USA. Unavailable
Bouzid, A., & Chaaban, A. (1996, July). Proposed method for evaluating relaxation in bolted flanged connections [Paper]. 1996 8th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, ICPVT-8, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Bouzid, A., Chaaban, A., & Bazergui, A. (1995). Effect of gasket creep-relaxation on the leakage tightness of bolted flanged joints. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 117(1), 71-78. External link
Bouzid, A., Chaaban, A., & Bazergui, A. (1994, June). Effect of gasket creep relaxation on the leakage tightness of bolted flanged joints [Paper]. 1994 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Unavailable
Daoud, M., Jomaa, W., Chatelain, J. F., & Bouzid, A. (2015). A machining-based methodology to identify material constitutive law for finite element simulation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 77(9), 2019-2033. External link
Daoud, M., Jomaa, W., Chatelain, J. F., Bouzid, A., & Songmene, V. (2014, June). Identification of Material Constitutive Law Constants Using Machining Tests: A Response Surface Methodology Based Approach [Paper]. 2014 International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials (HPSM/OPTI 2014), Ostende, Belgique. Published in WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 137. External link
Derenne, M., Payne, J. R., Bouzid, A., & Marchand, L. (1998, January). Proposed modifications to draft 9 of the standard test method for gasket constants for bolted joint design [Paper]. Fluid sealing association symposium, Nashville, TN. Unavailable
Mameri, N., Piron, D.-L., Bouzid, A., Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Birembaut, Y. (2000). Corrosion Quantification Test for Flanges With Graphite-Based Gaskets. Materials Performance, 39(4), 64-69. Unavailable
Mameri, N., Piron, D.-L., Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Bouzid, A., & Birembaut, Y. (1999). Effect of sealed joints tightness on steels corrosion: Development of novel technology. Environmental degradation of materials and corrosion control in metals, 287-299. Unavailable
Mameri, N., Piron, D.-L., Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Bouzid, A. (1999, January). Influence des joints d'étanchéité sur la corrosion des aciers: développement d'un nouvel appareillage [Paper]. 38th Canadian Conference of Metallurgists, Québec, Québec. Unavailable
Mameri, N., Piron, D.-L., Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Bouzid, A., & Birembaut, Y. (1999, August). Influence the sealing of joints on the corrosion of steels. Development of new equipment [Paper]. international symposium on environmental degradation of materials and corrosion control in metals - 38. annual conference of metallurgists of CIM. Gateway to the 21st Century, Québec City, QB. Unavailable