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Bouteiller, Y. (2022). Managing the World Complexity: From Linear Regression to Deep Learning. In Foundations of Robotics: A Multidisciplinary Approach with Python and ROS (pp. 441-472). External link
Valenchon, N., Bouteiller, Y., Jourde, H. R., L'Heureux, X., Sobral, M., Coffey, E. B. J., & Beltrame, G. (2022). The Portiloop: A deep learning-based open science tool for closed-loop brain stimulation. PLOS ONE, 17(8), e0270696 (20 pages). External link
Azambuja, R. , Fouad, H., Bouteiller, Y., Sol, C., & Beltrame, G. (2022, May). When being soft makes you tough: a collision-resilient quadcopter inspired by arthropods' exoskeletons [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), Philadelphia, PA, USA. External link
Bouteiller, Y. (2021). Deep Reinforcement Learning in Real-Time Environments [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Bouteiller, Y., Ramstedt, S., Beltrame, G., Pal, C. J., & Binas, J. (2021, May). Reinforcement Learning with Random Delays [Poster]. 9th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021). Unavailable
Sperling, M., Bouteiller, Y., De Azambuja, R., & Beltrame, G. (2020, May). Domain Generalization via Optical Flow: Training a CNN in a Low-Quality Simulation to Detect Obstacles in the Real World [Paper]. 17th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2020), Ottawa, ON. External link