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Brunet, C. M., Savadogo, O., Baptiste, P., Bouchard, M. A., Cholez, C., Rosei, F., Gendron, C., Sinclair-Desgagne, B., & Merveille, N. (2022). Does solar energy reduce poverty or increase energy security? A comparative analysis of sustainability impacts of on-grid power plants in Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa. Energy Research & Social Science, 87, 102212 (25 pages). External link
Brunet, C. M., Bouchard, M. A., Baptiste, P., Savadogo, O., Sokona, Y., & Merveille, N. (2022). Will solar energy escape the natural "resource curse"? Energy Strategy Reviews, 44, 11 pages. External link
Brunet, C. M., Savadogo, O., Baptiste, P., Bouchard, M. A., Cholez, C., Gendron, C., & Merveille, N. (2021). The three paradoxes of the energy transition - Assessing sustainability of large-scale solar photovoltaic through multi-level and multi-scalar perspective in Rwanda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288. External link
Brunet, C. M., Savadogo, O., Baptiste, P., Bouchard, M. A., Rakotoary, J. C., Ravoninjatovo, A., Cholez, C., Gendron, C., & Merveille, N. (2020). Impacts generated by a large-scale solar photovoltaic power plant can lead to conflicts between sustainable development goals: A review of key lessons learned in Madagascar. Sustainability, 12(18), 7471. Available
Brunet, C. M., Savadogo, O., Baptiste, P., & Bouchard, M. A. (2018). Shedding some light on photovoltaic solar energy in Africa – A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 96, 325-342. Available
Bouchard, M. A. (2024). Review of: "Nigeria's Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" [Discussion or Letter]. Qeios. Available
Brunet, C. M., Bouchard, M. A., Baptiste, P., Savadogo, O., & Merveille, N. (2022, December). 3 keys to ensure the sustainability of your solar power plant [Paper]. 13th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2022), Hammamet, Tunisia (5 pages). External link
Hammache, A., Brassard, G., Bouchard, M. A., Beauregard, F., Akyel, C., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (1997, May). Thermal characterization of MESFETs using I-V pulsed and DC measurements [Paper]. 1997 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC, Ottawa, Can. External link
Tremblay, M., Guillaud, C., & Bouchard, M. A. (1996, June). EDM - A model for optimising the short-term power operation of a complex hydroelectric network [Paper]. 49. conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne des ressources hydriques (ACRH), Québec (Canada). Unavailable
Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., Kouki, A. B., & Bouchard, M. A. (2001). Adaptive linearization of a feedforward amplifier by complex gain stabilization of the error amplifier. (Patent no. US6275105). External link