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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Ahlawat, M., Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2014, July). Tunable wavelength shifters using tight focusing in a wideband engineered PPLN crystal [Paper]. Nonlinear Photonics (NP 2014), Barcelona, Spain. External link
Ahlawat, M., Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2013). Agile multicasting based on cascaded X(2) nonlinearities in a step-chirped periodically poled lithium niobate. Optics Letters, 38(15), 2760-2762. External link
Ahlawat, M., Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2013, June). Temperature-independent flexible broadcasting based on cascaded X(2) nonlinearities in a broadband type-0 step-chirped PPLN [Paper]. CLEO: Science and Innovations (CLEO-SI 2013), San Jose, CA, United states. External link
Ahlawat, M., Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2013). Tunable single-to-dual channel wavelength conversion in an ultra-wideband SC-PPLN. Optics Express, 21(23), 28809-28816. External link
Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2017). Super-tunable, broadband up-conversion of a high-power CW laser in an engineered nonlinear crystal. Scientific Reports, 7(1). Available
Bostani, A. (2016). Design and Implementation of Apodized and Unapodized Frequency Converters in Bulk Aperiodically Poled Nonlinear Materials [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Bostani, A., Ahlawat, M., Tehranchi, A., Morandotti, R., & Kashyap, R. (2015). Design, fabrication and characterization of a specially apodized chirped grating for reciprocal second harmonic generation. Optics Express, 23(4), 5183-5189. External link
Bostani, A., Gagne, M., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2015, July). Full bandwidth frequency doubling of a high-power CW fiber laser using a bulk aperiodically poled LN [Paper]. Nonlinear Optics (NLO 2015), Kauai, HI. External link
Bostani, A., Ahlawat, M., Tehranchi, A., Morandotti, R., & Kashyap, R. (2014, July). SHG response reciprocity for a specially-designed step-chirped grating [Paper]. Nonlinear Photonics (NP 2014), Barcelona, Spain. External link
Bostani, A., Ahlawat, M., Tehranchi, A., Morandotti, R., & Kashyap, R. (2013, June). Effect of a tightly focused gaussian beam on the broadband SHG response of chirped poled lithium niobate [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2013), San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Bostani, A., Ahlawat, M., Tehranchi, A., Morandotti, R., & Kashyap, R. (2013). Tailoring and tuning of the broadband spectrum of a step-chirped grating based frequency doubler using tightly-focused Gaussian beams. Optics Express, 21(24), 29847-29853. External link
Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2012, June). Engineering of apodized chirped gratings based on desired second-order nonlinearity function [Poster]. Access Networks and In-house Communications, Colorado Springs, CO. External link
Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2012). Engineering of effective second-order nonlinearity in uniform and chirped gratings. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29(10), 2929-2934. External link
Bostani, A., Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (2011, July). Study of apodization of aperiodically poled lithium niobate (APPLN) for second harmonic generation (SHG) [Paper]. 7th International Workshop on Fibre and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC 2011), Montréal, Québec. External link
Kashyap, R., Bostani, A., & Tehranchi, A. (2014). Grating structures with specifically located domain-inverted regions. (Patent Application no. WO2014176690). External link
Tehranchi, A., Ahlawat, M., Bostani, A., & Kashyap, R. (2016). Flexible All-Optical Wavelength Shifters Using Strong Focusing in a Wideband Engineered PPLN. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(18), 1924-1927. External link