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Blanchette, Y., Dickson, J. I., & Bailon, J.-P. (1989). Influence of simultaneously occurring brittle cracking on ductile fatigue crack growth rates—Part I. Modelling of the semi-cohesive zone. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33(4), 633-642. External link
Blanchette, Y., Bailon, J.-P., & Dickson, J. I. (1989). Influence of simultaneously occurring brittle cracking on ductile fatigue crack growth rates—Part II. Comparison of experimental results with model predictions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33(4), 643-654. External link
Blanchette, Y., Dickson, J. I., & Bailon, J.-P. (1987, June). Influence of cleavage on fatigue propagation rates in a low carbon steel [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Fatigue and Fatigue Thresholds (FATIGUE 1987), Charlottesville, Virginia. Unavailable
Dickson, J. I., Handfield, L., Lalonde, S., Blanchette, Y., & Bailon, J.-P. (1985). Corrosion-fatigue of Mn-Ni-Al bronze alloys. (Technical Report). Unavailable