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Biron, M. (2013). Croissance et transfert de graphène pour la fabrication d'électrodes transparentes [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Choubak, S., Lévesque, P. L., Gaufrès, É., Biron, M., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2014). Graphene CVD: Interplay Between Growth and Etching on Morphology and Stacking by Hydrogen and Oxidizing Impurities. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(37), 21532-21540. External link
Choubak, S., Biron, M., Levesque, P. L., Martel, R., & Desjardins, P. (2013). No graphene etching in purified hydrogen. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4(7), 1100-1103. External link
Gagnon, P., Tie, M., Lévesque, P., Biron, M., Cardin-St-Antoine, B., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2020). Direct Measurement of Absolute Seebeck Coefficient Using Graphene As a Zero Coefficient Reference. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2020-01(B06 : 2D L), 849-849. External link
Gagnon, P., Biron, M., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2013). DWNT as Active Electrode in Far-IR and THz Optical Modulation Devices. Meeting abstracts, MA2013-01(32), 1134-1134. External link
Gagnon, P., Biron, M., Flahaut, E., Desjardins, P., & Martel, R. (2011). Diameter and Chiral Selective Purification of SWNT and DWNT Using CO2. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2011-01(33), 1703-1703. External link
Lapointe, F., Rousseau, B., Nguyen, M., Aymong, V., Biron, M., Gaufrès, É., Desjardins, P., Côté, M., & Martel, R. (2017, May). Phonon and defect induced transparencies in the mid-infrared spectrum of grafted single layer graphene [Abstract]. 231st ECS Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Published in Meeting Abstracts, MA2017-01(12). External link