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Perrier, N., Benbrahim, S.-E., & Pellerin, R. (2019). A comparison of project control standards based on network analysis. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 7(3), 37-62. External link
Benbrahim, S.-E., Quintero, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2019). Live Placement of Interdependent Virtual Machines to Optimize Cloud Service Profits and Penalties on SLAs. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 7(1), 237-249. External link
Perrier, N., Benbrahim, S.-E., & Pellerin, R. (2018). The core processes of project control: A network analysis. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 697-704. Available
Benbrahim, S.-E., Quintero, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2014, September). New distributed approach for an autonomous dynamic management of interdependent virtual machines [Paper]. 8th Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS), Taipei, Taiwan. External link
Benbrahim, S.-E., Quintero, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2014, September). New Distributed Approach for an Autonomous Dynamic Management of Interdependent Virtual Machines [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS 2014), Salerno, Italy. External link
Benbrahim, S.-E., Quintero, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2014, September). On the design of large-sized cloud networks optimized for live migration using tabu search algorithms [Paper]. 8th Asia International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation - Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. External link
Benbrahim, S.-E., Quintero, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2014, September). Real-time QoS issues in live migration of interdependent virtual machines [Paper]. 8th Asia International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation - Asia Modelling Symposium (AMS 2014), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. External link
Benbrahim, S.-E. (2011). Défense contre l'attaque d'analyse de trafic dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Benbrahim, S.-E. (2016). Migrations en temps réel des machines virtuelles interdépendantes [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available