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Azadeh, A., Moghaddam, M., Khakzad, M., & Ebrahimipour, V. (2012). A flexible neural network-fuzzy mathematical programming algorithm for improvement of oil price estimation and forecasting. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(2), 421-430. Lien externe

Azadeh, A., & Ebrahimipour, V. (octobre 2004). A Multivariate Approach for Assessment and Improvement of Chemical Manufacturing Systems Based on Machine Productivity [Communication écrite]. 10th APCChE Congress - Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Kitakyushu, Japan. Lien externe


Ebrahimipour, V., Asadzadeh, S. M., & Azadeh, A. (2012). An emotional learning-based fuzzy inference system for improvement of system reliability evaluation in redundancy allocation problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66(9-12), 1657-1672. Lien externe

Ebrahimipour, V., Azadeh, A., & Quarashi, S. F. (décembre 2009). Improving reliability design of multi-state k-out-of-n systems by fuzzy programming [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009, Hong Kong. Lien externe

Ebrahimipour, V., Azadeh, A., Faghih Roohi, S., Shojaei, E., & Aalaei, A. (décembre 2008). A PCA-GA approach for weighted voting system optimization based on reliability, cost and system output analyses [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008, Singapore. Lien externe


Tabrizi, B. H., Azadeh, A., & Ebrahimipour, V. (2012). A comparative study for optimum short-term forecasting of electricity price with uncertainty. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 12(4), 394-394. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:34:22 2025 EST.