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Avineri, E., & Waygood, O. (2013). Applying valence framing to enhance the effect of information on transport-related carbon dioxide emissions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 48, 31-38. External link
Avineri, E., Chatterjee, K., Darnton, A., Goodwin, P., Lyons, G., Musselwhite, C., Pilkington, P., Rayner, G., Tapp, A., Waygood, O., & Wiltshire, P. (2009). Individual Behaviour Change: Evidence in transport and public health. (Technical Report n° PPRO 04/06/33). External link
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2018). CO₂ valence framing: Is it really any different from just giving the amounts? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 63, 718-732. External link
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2014, April). Communicating transportation carbon dioxide information: Does gender impact behavioral response? [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation, Paris, France. Unavailable
Waygood, O., Chatterton, T., & Avineri, E. (2013). Comparing and presenting city-level transportation CO₂ emissions using GIS. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 24, 127-134. External link
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2012). D1.3 Monitoring and Evaluation. (Technical Report). External link
Waygood, O., Avineri, E., & Chatterton, T. (2012). D3.2 Report on data analysis and GHG emissions estimates related to travel choice. (Technical Report). External link
Waygood, O., Avineri, E., & Lyons, G. (2012). The role of information in reducing the impacts of climate change for transport applications. In Transport and Climate Change (pp. 313-340). External link
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2011, January). Does “500g of CO₂ for a mile trip” mean anything? Towards more effective presentation of CO₂ information [Paper]. Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. External link
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2011, January). Loss framing and perceptions of CO₂ amounts [Paper]. 43rd Annual Conference Universities' Transport Study Group (UTSG 2011), Milton Keynes, UK. Unavailable
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2010). D1.2 Research and Design Report. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2010, September). Visual formats, reference points, and anchoring effects on perceptions of the sustainability of travel choices [Paper]. 1st Workshop on Traffic Behavior, Modelling and Optimization (TBMO10), Madeira, Portugal. External link