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Benmansour, R., Allaoui, H., Artiba, A., Iassinovski, S., & Pellerin, R. (2011). Simulation-based approach to joint production and preventive maintenance scheduling on a failure-prone machine. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(3), 254-267. External link
Cadi, A. A. E., Hachemi, N. E., Jamali, M. A., Artiba, A., & Rousseau, L.-M. (2022). An exact approach to the integration of non-cyclical preventive maintenance scheduling and production planning for a series-parallel production system. International Journal of Operational Research, 44(3), 401-414. External link
De Ugarte, B. S., Pellerin, R., & Artiba, A. (2011). An improved genetic algorithm approach for on-line optimisation problems. Production Planning & Control, 22(8), 742-753. External link
Elbouzidi, A. D., Pellerin, R., Artiba, A., Lamouri, S., & Boubaker, S. (2023, October). Digital Twin Modeling Framework for Manual Warehouses [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2022), Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA. Published in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). External link
Pellerin, R., & Artiba, A. (2013). Supply chain and production systems engineering and management. International Journal of Production Economics, 143(1), 1-2. External link
Saenz de Ugarte, B., Hajji, A., Pellerin, R., & Artiba, A. (2009). Development and integration of a reactive real-time decision support system in the aluminum industry. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22(6), 897-905. External link
Ziani, R., Ouali, M.-S., & Artiba, A. (2014). Sensibility of Bayesian inference methods for reliability prediction of ageing systems, case of Diesel locomotives. International Journal of Production Research, 52(14), 4142-4155. External link