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Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2023, June). Introducing robust magnetism in boron-doped graphene nanoribbons with non-benzenoid defects [Poster]. 13th European Conference & Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials (Graphene 2023), Manchester, Angleterre. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2023). Spin-Polarized Topological Phases in Graphene Nanoribbons with Non-Benzenoid Defects. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(46), 22856-22864. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2022). Controlling the magnetic properties of two-dimensional carbon-based Kagome polymers. Carbon Trends, 7, 100170 (9 pages). External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2022, May). Electronic and magnetic properties of organic kagome polymers [Paper]. 2022 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoSpain 2022), Madrid, Spain. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2021). Collective Magnetism in 2D Polymer Made of C-Doped Triangular Boron Nitride Nanoflakes. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4(5), 6 pages. External link
Islam, M. S., Howlader, A. H., Anindya, K. N., Zheng, R., Park, J., & Hashimoto, A. (2020). Phonon localization in single wall carbon nanotube: Combined effect of 13C isotope and vacancies. Journal of Applied Physics, 128(4), 10 pages. External link
Pawlak, R., Anindya, K. N., Chahib, O., Liu, J.‐C., Hiret, P., Marot, L., Luzet, V., Palmino, F., Chérioux, F., Rochefort, A., & Meyer, E. (2025). On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Radical Spins in Kagome Graphene. ACS Nano, 10 pages. External link
Pawlak, R., Anindya, K. N., Shimizu, T., Liu, J.-C., Sakamaki, T., Shang, R., Rochefort, A., Nakamura, E., & Meyer, E. (2022). Atomically precise incorporation of BN-doped rubicene into graphene nanoribbons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(46), 19726-19732. External link
Rochefort, A., Anindya, K. N., Bouju, X., & Denawi, A. H. (2024). Magnetic Signature in Graphene Using Adsorbed Metal–Organic Networks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(2), 919-926. External link