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Nombre de documents: 7


Amiri, S., Goulet, J. A., Trépanier, M., Morency, C., & Saunier, N. (juillet 2023). Modeling transportation time series using bayesian dynamic linear models [Communication écrite]. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montréal, Québec. Publié dans Transportation Research Procedia, 82. Disponible

Ahmed, S. E., Amiri, S., & Doksum, K. (2021). Ensemble Linear Subspace Analysis of High-Dimensional Data. Entropy, 23(3), 324 (15 pages). Lien externe

Amiri, S., Jozani, M. J., & Modarres, R. (2020). On multiple imputation for unbalanced ranked set samples with applications in quantile estimation. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 34(4), 752-769. Lien externe

Amiri, S., Clarke, B. S., Clarke, J. L., & Koepke, H. (2019). A General Hybrid Clustering Technique. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28(3), 540-551. Lien externe


Deka, B., Ha Nguyen, L., Amiri, S., & Goulet, J. A. (2022). The Gaussian multiplicative approximation for state-space models. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29(3), 20 pages. Lien externe


Goulet, J. A., Nguyen, L. H., & Amiri, S. (2021). Tractable Approximate Gaussian Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(251), 23 pages. Lien externe


Toulouse, C., Amiri, S., Cloutier, M.-S., & Saunier, N. (2020). Speed Limit Changes and Driver Behaviour: A Spatial Lag Model. Transport Findings. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:15:19 2025 EST.