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Allard, P., Aubin, C.-É., Trahan-Petit, G., Hinse, S., & Perrault, R. (2004, March). Effect of rearfoot notch orientations on the deformation of a foot orthosis [Paper]. 8th international symposium on the 3D analysis of human movement, Tampa, Floride, USA. External link
Allard, P., Dansereau, J., Trudeau, F., & Herrera, R. (1996). Prosthetic foot with enhanced heel control. (Patent no. US5509937). External link
Allard, P., Dansereau, J., Trudeau, F., & Lussier, M. (1995). Ankle connector for prosthetic foot. (Patent no. US5425781). External link
Allard, P., Trudeau, F., Dansereau, J., Prince, F., Labelle, H., & Duhaime, M. (1992, August). Medio-lateral function in a computer-aided-design of a flexible foot prosthesis [Paper]. International Biomedical Engineering Days (IBED 1992), Istanbul, Turkey. External link
Sadeghi, H., Allard, P., Lachance, R., Aissaoui, R., Sadeghi, S., Perrault, R., & Duhaime, M. (2002). Relationship Between Ankle Frontal Muscle Powers and 3-D Gait Patterns. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 81(6), 429-436. External link