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Maghoul, P., Gatmiri, B., & Duhamel, D. (juillet 2011). Three-dimensional fundamental solution for unsaturated poroelastic media under dynamic loadings [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Brasilia, Brazil. Non disponible

Maghoul, P., Gatmiri, B., & Duhamel, D. (juillet 2010). A boundary element formulation based on the convolution quadrature method for the quasi-static behaviour analysis of the unsaturated soils [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Berlin, Germany. Lien externe

Maghoul, P., Gatmiri, B., & Duhamel, D. (juillet 2008). Two-dimensional thermo-poro-mechanic fundamental solution for unsaturated soils [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Seville, Espagne. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:31:55 2025 EST.