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Alghorani, Y., Chekkouri, A. S., Chekired, D. A., & Pierre, S. (2021). Improved S-AF and S-DF Relaying Schemes Using Machine Learning Based Power Allocation Over Cascaded Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(12), 7508-7520. Lien externe

Alghorani, Y., Kaddoum, G., Muhaidat, S., Pierre, S., & Al-Dhahir, N. (2016). On the performance of multihop-intervehicular communications systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 5(2), 116-119. Lien externe

Alghorani, Y. (2015). Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Alghorani, Y., Kaddoum, G., Muhaidat, S., & Pierre, S. (2015). On the Approximate Analysis of Energy Detection Over n* Rayleigh Fading Channels Through Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 4(4), 413-416. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:12:37 2025 EST.