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Nombre de documents: 10

Article de revue

Mirshahi, M., Partovi Nia, V., & Adjengue, L. (2018). Automatic odor prediction for electronic nose. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(15), 2788-2799. Lien externe

Adjengue, L., Audet, C., & Ben Yahia, I. (2014). A variance-based method to rank input variables of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm. Optimization Letters, 8(5), 1599-1610. Lien externe

Orth, P., Yacout, S., & Adjengue, L. (2012). Accuracy and Robustness of Decision Making Techniques in Condition Based Maintenance. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(2), 255-264. Lien externe

Adjengue, L., Yacout, S., & Ilk, O. (2007). Parameters estimation for condition based maintenance with uncorrelated and correlated observations. Quality Engineering, 19(3), 197-206. Lien externe

Adjengue, L., & Moore, M. (1999). Deux méthodes d'estimation pour les paramètres de processus moyenne mobile spatiaux. [Two Methods for Estimation of Parameters of Spatial Moving Average Processes]. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27(4), 795-818. Lien externe

Lefebvre, M., & Adjengue, L. (1998). From Inciting to Forcing an Integrated Bessel Process to Remain as Small as Possible. Engineering Optimization, 30(1), 75-89. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Mirshahi, M., Partovi Nia, V., & Adjengue, L. (février 2016). An online data validation algorithm for electronic nose [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), Rome, Italy. Lien externe

Mirshahi, M., Partovi Nia, V., & Adjengue, L. (février 2016). Statistical measurement validation with application to electronic nose technology [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), Rome, Italy. Lien externe


Adjengue, L. (2014). Méthodes statistiques: concepts, applications et exercices. Lien externe

Adjengue, L., Carmichael, J. P., Hines, W. W., Montgomery, D. C., Goldman, D. M., & Borror, C. M. (2005). Probabilités et statistique pour ingénieurs. Non disponible

Liste produite: Tue Jan 21 02:51:37 2025 EST.