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Ashok, V., Absalan, F., Silverwood, A., Robert, É., Claveau-Mallet, D., & Bédard, É. (2024). Crossflow microsand filtration in cooling tower systems to control fouling in heat exchanger devices. Journal of Building Engineering, 95, 110167 (11 pages). Disponible

Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Prévost, M., Barbeau, B., & Bichai, F. (2024). Climate change and future water demand: Implications for chlorine and trihalomethanes management in water distribution systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 355, 120470-120470. Lien externe

Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Blokker, M., Besner, M.-C., Prévost, M., & Bichai, F. (2024). Impact of heat islands vs. city greening: Real-time monitoring and modeling of drinking water temperature in the city of Montreal in Canada. Water Research, 256, 121490-121490. Lien externe

Absalan, F., Hatam, F., Barbeau, B., Prévost, M., & Bichai, F. (2022). Predicting Chlorine and Trihalomethanes in a Full-Scale Water Distribution System under Changing Operating Conditions. Water (Switzerland), 14(22), 13 pages. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:02:58 2025 EST.