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CEO characteristics and technology adoption in smaller manufacturing firms

Élisabeth Lefebvre et Louis André Lefebvre

Rapport technique (1991)

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Theorectical background and empirical evidence -- The influence of the CEO on the adoption of new technologies -- The CEOs personal characteristics and adoption of innovations -- The CEOs attitudes and personality traits -- The CEOs decision-making process and the adoption of innovations -- Structural characteristics linked to the CEOs influence and the adoption of innovation -- Methodology -- Choice of research variables and their operational measures -- The dependent variable -- The independent variables -- The control variables -- Choice of organizational context -- Data collection and analysis -- The field study -- Results and discussion -- Characteristics of CEOs in the more innovation firms -- Classifying firms according to their degree of innovativeness -- Study limitations.

Mots clés

Petites et moyennes entreprises -- Gestion; Petites et moyennes entreprises -- Innovations

Département: Département de mathématiques et de génie industriel
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/9570/
Numéro du rapport: EPM-RT-91-15
Date du dépôt: 22 nov. 2021 16:36
Dernière modification: 09 avr. 2024 14:50
Citer en APA 7: Lefebvre, É., & Lefebvre, L. A. (1991). CEO characteristics and technology adoption in smaller manufacturing firms. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-91-15). https://publications.polymtl.ca/9570/


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