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On the evolution of infrastructure sharing in mobile networks: A survey

Lorela Cano, Antonio Capone et Brunilde Sanso

Article de revue (2021)

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Infrastructure sharing for mobile networks has been a prolific research topic for more than three decades now. The key driver for Mobile Network Operators to share their network infrastructure is cost reduction. Spectrum sharing is often studied alongside infrastructure sharing although on its own it is a vast research topic outside the scope of this survey. Instead, in this survey we aim to provide a complete picture of infrastructure sharing both over time and in terms of research branches that have stemmed from it such as performance evaluation, resource management etc. We also put an emphasis on the relation between infrastructure sharing and the decoupling of infrastructure from services, wireless network virtualization and multi-tenancy in 5G networks. Such a relation reflects the evolution of infrastructure sharing over time and how it has become a commercial reality in the context of 5G.

Mots clés

5G, infrastructure sharing, mobile networks, multi-tenancy, spectrum sharing, wireless network virtu- alization

Sujet(s): 2700 Technologie de l'information > 2700 Technologie de l'information
Département: Département de génie électrique
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/9467/
Titre de la revue: ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (vol. 1, no 1)
Maison d'édition: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
URL officielle: https://doi.org/11.1002/pub/8174ed4e-en
Date du dépôt: 07 sept. 2023 11:58
Dernière modification: 27 sept. 2024 11:44
Citer en APA 7: Cano, L., Capone, A., & Sanso, B. (2021). On the evolution of infrastructure sharing in mobile networks: A survey. ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, 1(1), 18 pages. https://doi.org/11.1002/pub/8174ed4e-en


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