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Analysis of the load cycle and the contact ratio for plastics gears in a plastic-steel gear system

Raymond Gauvin et Kamboozia Hooshmand

Rapport technique (1976)

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ZzKinematic properties and points of load transfer for ideal gears -- Hypothesis -- Ideal kinematic properties -- Load-deflection relationships for a pair of plastic-steel gears -- Spring-stiffness of a gear mesh -- Compliance for a single gear tooth -- Load cycle analysis in a plastic-steel gear system -- Load-deflection relationships of a gear mesh -- Ideal geometry under no-load condition -- External input-output load relationships in the absence of friction -- Static of low speed load and deflection cycles.Computation of low speed and deflection cycles -- Analysis of the contact ratio in a pair of plastic-steel gears in loaded conditions -- Theoritical contact ratio -- Experimental contact ratio -- Experimental investigations -- Experimental testing machine and apparatuses -- Experimental measurement of deformation cycles of plastic gear-tooth.

Département: Département de génie mécanique
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/6168/
Numéro du rapport: EP-R-76-23
Date du dépôt: 15 avr. 2021 15:13
Dernière modification: 13 oct. 2024 17:25
Citer en APA 7: Gauvin, R., & Hooshmand, K. (1976). Analysis of the load cycle and the contact ratio for plastics gears in a plastic-steel gear system. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-76-23). https://publications.polymtl.ca/6168/


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