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Leveraging the sensitivity of plants with deep learning to recognize human emotions

Jakob Kruse, Leon Ciechanowski, Ambre Dupuis et Peter A. Gloor

Article de revue (2024)

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Recent advances in artificial intelligence combined with behavioral sciences have led to the development of cutting-edge tools for recognizing human emotions based on text, video, audio, and physiological data. However, these data sources are expensive, intrusive, and regulated, unlike plants, which have been shown to be sensitive to human steps and sounds. A methodology to use plants as human emotion detectors is proposed. Electrical signals from plants were tracked and labeled based on video data. The labeled data were then used for classification., and the MLP, biLSTM, MFCC-CNN, MFCC-ResNet, Random Forest, 1-Dimensional CNN, and biLSTM (without windowing) models were set using a grid search algorithm with cross-validation. Finally, the best-parameterized models were trained and used on the test set for classification. The performance of this methodology was measured via a case study with 54 participants who were watching an emotionally charged video; as ground truth, their facial emotions were simultaneously measured using facial emotion analysis. The Random Forest model shows the best performance, particularly in recognizing high-arousal emotions, achieving an overall weighted accuracy of 55.2% and demonstrating high weighted recall in emotions such as fear (61.0%) and happiness (60.4%). The MFCC-ResNet model offers decently balanced results, with Accuraccy MFCC-ResNet = 0.324. Regarding the MFCC-ResNet model, fear and anger were recognized with 75% and 50% recall, respectively. Thus, using plants as an emotion recognition tool seems worth investigating, addressing both cost and privacy concerns.

Mots clés

emotion recognition; artificial intelligence; deep learning; plant sensor; classification; emotion models

Sujet(s): 2800 Intelligence artificielle > 2800 Intelligence artificielle (Vision artificielle, voir 2603)
2800 Intelligence artificielle > 2801 Langage naturel et reconnaissance de la parole
Département: Département de mathématiques et de génie industriel
Centre de recherche: LID - Laboratoire en intelligence des données
Organismes subventionnaires: Software AG Foundation (SAGST), Polish National Science Centre
Numéro de subvention: 2020/38/A/HS6/00066
URL de PolyPublie: https://publications.polymtl.ca/57907/
Titre de la revue: Sensors (vol. 24, no 6)
Maison d'édition: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/s24061917
URL officielle: https://doi.org/10.3390/s24061917
Date du dépôt: 06 juin 2024 14:43
Dernière modification: 07 juin 2024 12:38
Citer en APA 7: Kruse, J., Ciechanowski, L., Dupuis, A., & Gloor, P. A. (2024). Leveraging the sensitivity of plants with deep learning to recognize human emotions. Sensors, 24(6), 1917 (22 pages). https://doi.org/10.3390/s24061917


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