Thomas Bertauld et Michel Dagenais
Article de revue (2017)
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Tracing is a common method used to debug, analyze, and monitor various systems. Even though standard tools and tracing methodologies exist for standard and distributed environments, it is not the case for heterogeneous embedded systems. This paper proposes to fill this gap and discusses how efficient tracing can be achieved without having common system tools, such as the Linux Trace Toolkit (LTTng), at hand on every core. We propose a generic solution to trace embedded heterogeneous systems and overcome the challenges brought by their peculiar architectures (little available memory, bare-metal CPUs, or exotic components for instance). The solution described in this paper focuses on a generic way of correlating traces among different kinds of processors through traces synchronization, to analyze the global state of the system as a whole. The proposed solution was first tested on the Adapteva Parallella board. It was then improved and thoroughly validated on TI's Keystone 2 System-on-Chip (SoC).
Mots clés
Heterogeneous embedded systems, Tracing, Traces synchronization, Traces correlation, Parallella, Keystone 2
Sujet(s): |
2700 Technologie de l'information > 2700 Technologie de l'information 2700 Technologie de l'information > 2715 Optimisation |
Département: | Département de génie informatique et génie logiciel |
Organismes subventionnaires: | CRSNG/NSERC, Ericsson, Prompt, EfficiOS |
URL de PolyPublie: | |
Titre de la revue: | EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems (vol. 2017, no 1) |
Maison d'édition: | Springer Open |
DOI: | 10.1186/s13639-016-0067-1 |
URL officielle: | |
Date du dépôt: | 04 mai 2018 16:30 |
Dernière modification: | 28 sept. 2024 17:21 |
Citer en APA 7: | Bertauld, T., & Dagenais, M. (2017). Low-level trace correlation on heterogeneous embedded systems. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2017(1), 1-14. |
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