C. Ilinca, X. D. Zhang, Jean-Yves Trépanier, Ricardo Camarero and A. Ilinca
Article (1999)
This item is not archived in PolyPublieDepartment: | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
PolyPublie URL: | https://publications.polymtl.ca/28889/ |
Journal Title: | Canadian aeronautics and space journal (vol. 45, no. 4) |
Publisher: | Institut aéronautique et spatial du Canada |
Date Deposited: | 18 Apr 2023 15:22 |
Last Modified: | 25 Sep 2024 16:10 |
Cite in APA 7: | Ilinca, C., Zhang, X. D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Camarero, R., & Ilinca, A. (1999). Analysis of two error estimation techniques for finite volume solutions. Canadian aeronautics and space journal, 45(4), 390-400. |
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