Lise Boudreault, Maxence Hébert-Lavoie, Karine Ung, Célia Mahmoudi, Quynh Phuong Vu, Philippe Jouvet et Philippe Doyon-Poulin
Article de revue (2023)
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In a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of 32 beds, clinicians manage resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from a large-screen dashboard implemented in 2017. This resource management dashboard efficiently replaces the handwriting information displayed on a whiteboard, offering a synthetic view of the bed’s layout and specific information on staff and equipment at bedside. However, in 2020 when COVID-19 hit, the resource management dashboard showed several limitations. Mainly, its visualization offered to the clinicians limited situation awareness (SA) to perceive, understand and predict the impacts on resource management and decision-making of an unusual flow of patients affected by the most severe form of coronavirus. To identify the SA requirements during a pandemic, we conducted goal-oriented interviews with 11 clinicians working in ICUs. The result is the design of an SA-oriented dashboard with 22 key indicators (KIs): 1 on the admission capacity, 15 at bedside and 6 displayed as statistics in the central area. We conducted a usability evaluation of the SA-oriented dashboard compared to the resource management dashboard with 6 clinicians. The results showed five usability improvements of the SA-oriented dashboard and five limitations. Our work contributes to new knowledge on the clinicians’ SA requirements to support resource management and decision-making in ICUs in times of pandemics.
Mots clés
Clinical decision support system; clinical dashboard; critical care; intensive care unit; situation awareness
Sujet(s): |
1600 Génie industriel > 1600 Génie industriel 1600 Génie industriel > 1605 Génie des facteurs humains |
Département: | Département de mathématiques et de génie industriel |
URL de PolyPublie: | |
Titre de la revue: | IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (vol. 11) |
Maison d'édition: | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
DOI: | 10.1109/jtehm.2023.3241215 |
URL officielle: | |
Date du dépôt: | 09 févr. 2023 15:14 |
Dernière modification: | 26 sept. 2024 01:03 |
Citer en APA 7: | Boudreault, L., Hébert-Lavoie, M., Ung, K., Mahmoudi, C., Vu, Q. P., Jouvet, P., & Doyon-Poulin, P. (2023). Situation awareness-oriented dashboard in ICUs in support of resource management in time of pandemics. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 11, 151-160. |
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