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Kota, S., Giambene, G., Abdelsadek, M. Y., Alouini, M.‐S., Amay, M., Babu, S., Bas, J., Cassará, P., Chaudhari, S., Dalai, D., Darwish, T., Cola, T. , Delamotte, T., Dutta, A., Dwivedi, A. K., Enright, M. A., Giordani, M., Gotta, A., Hammad, E., ... Zhao, L. (novembre 2023). Satellite [Communication écrite]. IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF 2023), Baltimore, MD, USA. Lien externe
Liang, J., Chaudhry, A. U., Chinneck, J. W., Yanıkömeroğlu, H., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Hu, P. (2023). Latency versus transmission power trade-off in free-space optical (FSO) satellite networks with multiple inter-continental connections. IEEE open journal of the Communications Society, 4, 3014-3029. Disponible