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Documents publiés en "2023"

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Nombre de documents: 7

Boisjoly, G. (2023). Planning for people through the lens of accessibility. Dans Handbook on Transport and Land Use (206-230). Lien externe

Bourassa, A., Apparicio, P., Gelb, J., & Boisjoly, G. (2023). Canopy Assessment of Cycling Routes: Comparison of Videos from a Bicycle-Mounted Camera and GPS and Satellite Imagery. International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(1), 13 pages. Lien externe

El Murr, K., Boisjoly, G., & Waygood, O. (2023). Measuring accessibility to parks: Analyzing the relationship between self-reported and calculated measures. Journal of Transport Geography, 107, 103550 (13 pages). Lien externe

Guerrero, B., Maria, L., Boisjoly, G., Trépanier, M., & Jalbert, J. (janvier 2023). Going the distance: gender differences in travel in Montréal, Canada [Communication écrite]. 102nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.. Non disponible

Lachapelle, U., & Boisjoly, G. (2023). Breaking down public transit travel time for more accurate transport equity policies: A trip component approach. Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice, 175, 14 pages. Disponible

Lemieux, C., Bichai, F., & Boisjoly, G. (2023). Synergy between green stormwater infrastructure and active mobility: A comprehensive literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 99, 14900 (17 pages). Accès restreint

Robillard, A., Boisjoly, G., & Waygood, O. (2023). Access to Parks and Green Spaces in Quebec City, Canada: Developing Children-Specific Accessibility Measures. Transportation Research Record, 2677(10), 464-477. Lien externe

Liste produite: Tue Jun 25 04:33:29 2024 EDT.