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Beaudry, G., & Pasquier, P. (décembre 2022). Dynamic simulation of ground source heat pump systems with non-stationary convolutions [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Beaudry, G., Pasquier, P., Marcotte, D., & Zarrella, A. (2022). Flow rate control in standing column wells: A flexible solution for reducing the energy use and peak power demand of the built environment. Applied Energy, 313, 14 pages. Lien externe
Cerclet, L., Courcelles, B., & Pasquier, P. (décembre 2022). Column experiments to anticipate clogging of standing column wells [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Cerclet, L., Courcelles, B., & Pasquier, P. (octobre 2022). Modeling the impact of a groundwater treatment unit on standing column well [Communication écrite]. European Geothermal Congress, Berlin, Germany (8 pages). Non disponible
Dalla Santa, G., Pasquier, P., Schenato, L., & Galgaro, A. (2022). Repeated ETRTs in a Complex Stratified Geological Setting: High-Resolution Thermal Conductivity Identification by Multiple Linear Regression. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(4), 15 pages. Lien externe
Dion, G., Pasquier, P., & Marcotte, D. (2022). Deconvolution of experimental thermal response test data to recover short-term g-function. Geothermics, 100, 102302 (13 pages). Lien externe
Dion, G., Pasquier, P., Beaudry, G., & Marcotte, D. (décembre 2022). Stationary and non-stationary deconvolution to recover long-term transfer functions [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Jacques, L., & Pasquier, P. (mai 2022). Interpretation of a thermal response test in a bayesian framework to infer the hydraulic properties surrounding column well [Communication écrite]. 2022 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Jacques, L., & Pasquier, P. (décembre 2022). Uncertainty assessment of the hydraulics properties surrounding a standing column well with a thermal response test [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Laroche, V., Pasquier, P., & Courcelles, B. (2022). Integration of standing column wells in urban context: A numerical investigation-case in the City of Montreal. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78, 15 pages. Lien externe
Pasquier, P., & Lamarche, L. (2022). Analytic expressions for the moving infinite line source model. Geothermics, 103, 102413 (8 pages). Lien externe
Robert, S., Pasquier, P., & Nguyen, A. (2022). Impact of layered heterogeneity on thermal response test interpretation performed on a standing column well operated without bleed. Geothermics, 101, 11 pages. Lien externe
Rose, C., Pasquier, P., Nguyen, A., & Beaudry, G. (décembre 2022). Forecasting hydraulic head changes in injection wells using LSTM network [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Tonellato, G., Beaudry, G., Kummert, M., Pasquier, P., & Candanedo, J. A. (décembre 2022). Control strategy evaluation framework for ground source heat pumps using standing column wells [Communication écrite]. International Ground Source Heat Pump Association annual Conference, Las vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe