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Documents publiés en "2021"

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Nombre de documents: 21

Département de génie électrique

Aydin, Y., Karabulut Kurt, G., Ozdemir, E., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (octobre 2021). Group Authentication for Drone Swarms [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE 2021), Cleveland, OH, USA. Lien externe

Aydin, Y., Karabulut Kurt, G., Ozdemir, E., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (2021). Group Handover for Drone Base Stations. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(18), 13876-13887. Lien externe

Ayyildiz, C., Cetin, R., Khodzhaev, Z., Kocak, T., Soyak, E. G., Gungor, V. C., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (2021). Physical layer authentication for extending battery life. Ad Hoc Networks, 123, 102683 (9 pages). Lien externe

Ben Yahia, O., Erdogan, E., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (juin 2021). On the Use of HAPS to Increase Secrecy Performance in Satellite Networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC Workshops), Montréal, Qc, Canada (6 pages). Lien externe

Ben Yahia, O., Erdogan, E., Karabulut Kurt, G., Altunbas, I., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (juin 2021). Physical Layer Security Framework for Optical Non-Terrestrial Networks (Invited paper) [Communication écrite]. 28th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2021). Lien externe

Çelebi, B. A., Aras, İ., Özçelik, K. E., Tekbıyık, K., Karabulut Kurt, G., Özdemır, Ö., & Ekti, A. R. (juin 2021). Accurate modelling of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in THz band [Uyarlanabilir akilli yuzeylerin THz bandinda yuksek dorulukla modellenmesi]. [Communication écrite]. 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU 2021), Istanbul, Turkey (4 pages). Lien externe

Cengiz, A., Başaran, S. T., Karabulut Kurt, G., Özbek, B., & Yanıkömeroğlu, H. (juin 2021). Approximation of correlation matrix for high altitude platform stations [Yuksek irtifa platform istasyonlari icin korelasyon matrisinin yaklaimi]. [Communication écrite]. 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU 2021), Istanbul, Turkey (4 pages). Lien externe

Cetinturk, M., Adam, Y., Goztepe, C., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (juin 2021). Machine learning aided demodulator in MISO beamforming systems [Cok girdili tek ciktili huzme yonlendirmeli sistemde makine orenmesi destekli demodulator]. [Communication écrite]. 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU 2021) (4 pages). Lien externe

Darwish, T., Karabulut Kurt, G., Yanikomeroglu, H., Senarath, G., & Zhu, P. (2021). A vision of self-evolving network management for future intelligent vertical hetnet. IEEE Wireless Communications, 28(4), 96-105. Lien externe

Erdogan, H., Belgul, O., Kabakci, A. Z., Basaran, S. T., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (novembre 2021). A Physical Layer-based Lane Authentication Method [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering )(ELECO 2021), Bursa, Turkey. Lien externe

Gecgel, S., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (juin 2021). Intermittent Jamming against Telemetry and Telecommand of Satellite Systems and A Learning-driven Detection Strategy [Communication écrite]. 3rd ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2021), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Lien externe

Goztepe, C., Buyukcorak, S., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (2021). Localization Threats in Next-Generation Wireless Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59(9), 51-57. Lien externe

Gurcioglu, O., Erdem, M. C., Cirkinoglu, H. O., Ferhanoglu, O., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Panayirci, E. (juin 2021). Improved physical layer security in visible light communications by using focused light emitters [Gorunur iik haberlemesinde odaklanmi vericiler kullanilarak arttirilmi fiziksel katman guvenlii]. [Communication écrite]. 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU 2021) (4 pages). Lien externe

Ilhan, H. E., Ozer, S., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Cirpan, H. A. (juillet 2021). Offloading Deep Learning Empowered Image Segmentation from UAV to Edge Server [Communication écrite]. 44th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2021), Brno, Czech Republic. Lien externe

Karabulut Kurt, G., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (2021). Communication, Computing, Caching, and Sensing for Next-Generation Aerial Delivery Networks: Using a High-Altitude Platform Station as an Enabling Technology. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 16(3), 108-117. Lien externe

Kulhandjian, M., Karabulut Kurt, G., Kulhandjian, H., Yanikomeroglu, H., & Claude, D. (2021). NOMA Computation Over Multi-Access Channels for Multimodal Sensing. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 10(11), 2577-2581. Lien externe

Ren, Q., Abbasi, O., Karabulut Kurt, G., Yanikomeroglu, H., & Chen, J. (décembre 2021). High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) Assisted Computing for Intelligent Transportation Systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021), Madrid, Spain (6 pages). Lien externe

Senyuva, R. V., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (septembre 2021). Harmonic Retrieval of CFO and Frame Misalignment for OFDM-based Inter-Satellite Links [Communication écrite]. 17th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2021), Berlin, Germany (5 pages). Lien externe

Tekbıyık, K., Akbunar, O., Ekti, A. R., Gorcin, A., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Qaraqe, K. A. (2021). Spectrum Sensing and Signal Identification with Deep Learning based on Spectral Correlation Function. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70(10), 10514-10527. Lien externe

Topal, O. A., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (2021). Securing the Inter-Spacecraft Links: Physical Layer Key Generation From Doppler Frequency Shift. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, 5(3), 232-243. Lien externe

Non applicable

Benamira, E., Merazka, F., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (2021). Dynamic optimized cooperation in multi-source multi-relay wireless networks with random linear network coding. Electronic Letters, 57(8), 347-350. Disponible

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