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Dhavamani, A., Haeberle, L., Wang, J., Kéna-Cohen, S., & Arnold, M. S. (2021). Cavity-Mediated Hybridization of Bright and Dark Excitons in an Ultrastrongly Coupled Carbon Nanotube Microcavity. ACS Photonics, 8(8), 2375-2383. Lien externe
Gu, J., Walther, V., Waldecker, L., Rhodes, D., Raja, A., Hone, J. C., Heinz, T. F., Kéna-Cohen, S., Pohl, T., & Menon, V. M. (2021). Enhanced nonlinear interaction of polaritons via excitonic Rydberg states in monolayer WSe2. Nature Communications, 12(1), 7 pages. Disponible
Ishii, T., Bencheikh, F., Forget, S., Chenais, S., Heinrich, B., Kreher, D., Vargas, L. S., Miyata, K., Onda, K., Fujihara, T., Kéna-Cohen, S., Mathevet, F., & Adachi, C. (2021). Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction and Polariton Relaxation by the Control of Molecular Orientation. Advanced Optical Materials, 9(22), 2101048 (9 pages). Lien externe
Patri, A., Cognee, K. G., Haeberle, L., Menon, V., Caloz, C., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2021). Photonic Gap Antennas Based on High-Index-Contrast Slot Waveguides. Physical Review Applied, 16(4), 044065 (11 pages). Lien externe
Shahalizad, A., Malinge, A., Hu, L., Laflamme, G., Haeberle, L., Myers, D. M., Mao, J., Skene, W. G., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2021). Efficient Solution-Processed Hyperfluorescent OLEDs with Spectrally Narrow Emission at 840 nm. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(1), 2007119 (8 pages). Lien externe
Sridharan, A., Noel, N. K., Rand, B. P., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2021). Role of Photon Recycling and Band Filling in Halide Perovskite Photoluminescence under Focussed Excitation Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(4), 2240-2249. Lien externe