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AghaKouchak, A., Mirchi, A., Madani, K., Di Baldassarre, G., Nazemi, A., Alborzi, A., Anjileli, H., Azarderakhsh, M., Chiang, F., Hassanzadeh, E., Huning, L. S., Mallakpour, I., Martinez, A., Mazdiyasni, O., Moftakhari, H., Norouzi, H., Sadegh, M., Sadeqi, D., Van Loon, A. F., & Wanders, N. (2021). Anthropogenic Drought: Definition, Challenges, and Opportunities. Reviews of Geophysics, 59(2), 23 pages. Lien externe
Bourdeau-Goulet, S.-C., & Hassanzadeh, E. (2021). Comparisons Between CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models: Simulations of Climate Indices Influencing Food Security, Infrastructure Resilience, and Human Health in Canada. Earth's Future, 9(5), 17 pages. Lien externe
Crévolin, V., Hassanzadeh, E., & Bourdeau-Goulet, S.-C. (décembre 2021). Constructing the Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves For Canada Using the CMIP6 Projections and Quantile-Based Downscaling Approach [Communication écrite]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021 (AGU Fall Meeting 2021), New-Orleans, LA. Lien externe
Hassanzadeh, E., Kaemo, M., & Nazemi, A. (décembre 2021). A copula-based framework to estimate sea level rise in New Caledonia [Communication écrite]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021 (AGU Fall Meeting 2021), New-Orleans, LA. Lien externe
Hassanzadeh, E., Nazemi, A., & Adamowski, J. (novembre 2021). Comparison of Continuous and Quantile-Based Downscaling Approaches to Evaluate the Climate Change Impacts on Characteristics of Extreme Rainfall [Communication écrite]. Geo-Extreme 2021, Savannah, Georgia. Lien externe
Hassanzadeh, E., Zammali, M. K., Nazemi, A., & Lindenschmidt, K.-E. (décembre 2021). Assessing the effectiveness of Beneficial Management Practices in improving water quality under changing climate conditions [Communication écrite]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021 (AGU Fall Meeting 2021), New-Orleans, LA. Lien externe
Sousa, B. J. O., Fialho, H. C. P., Taffarello, D., Souza, F. A. A., Hassanzadeh, E., Mendiondo, E. M., & de Oliveira, P. T. S. (2021). Citizens' viewpoints on stormwater Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 328, 129569 (12 pages). Lien externe
Zammali, M. K., Hassanzadeh, E., Shupena-Soulodre, E., & Lindenschmidt, K.-E. (2021). A generic approach to evaluate costs and effectiveness of agricultural Beneficial Management Practices to improve water quality management. Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 10 pages. Lien externe