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Tucny, J.-M. (2020). Modélisation des écoulements de gaz raréfiés au travers de filtres fibreux par la méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau [Thèse de doctorat, Polytechnique Montréal]. Disponible
Tucny, J.-M., Vidal, D., Drolet, F., & Bertrand, F. (2020). Impact of multilayering on the filtration performance of clean air filter media. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 98(12), 2632-2647. Lien externe
Tucny, J.-M., Vidal, D., Leclaire, S., & Bertrand, F. (2020). Comparison of existing and extended boundary conditions for the simulation of rarefied gas flows using the Lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(5), 2050070. Lien externe
Tucny, J.-M., Vidal, D., Leclaire, S., & Bertrand, F. (2020). Comparison of existing and extended boundary conditions for the simulation of rarefied gas flows using the Lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(5), 2050070. Lien externe