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Documents publiés en "2020"

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Nombre de documents: 10


Degue, K. H., & Le Ny, J. (juillet 2020). Differentially Private Interval Observer Design with Bounded Input Perturbation [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference (ACC 2020), Denver, CO, USA. Lien externe

Degue, K. H., & Le Ny, J. (2020). Estimation and outbreak detection with interval observers for uncertain discrete-time SEIR epidemic models. International Journal of Control, 93(11), 2707-2718. Lien externe

Degue, K. H., Efimov, D., & Le Ny, J. (mai 2020). Interval Observer-based Feedback Control for Rehabilitation in Tremor [Communication écrite]. European Control Conference (ECC 2020), Saint Petersburg, Russia. Lien externe

Delcroix, B., Le Ny, J., Bernier, M., Azam, M., Qu, B., & Venne, J.-S. (2020). Autoregressive neural networks with exogenous variables for indoor temperature prediction in buildings. Building Simulation, 14(1), 165-178. Disponible

Dubois, C., & Le Ny, J. (octobre 2020). Adaptive Task Allocation in Human-Machine Teams with Trust and Workload Cognitive Models [Communication écrite]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2020), Toronto, ON, Canada. Lien externe


Le Ny, J. (2020). Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data. Lien externe

Le Ny, J. (2020). Privacy in Network Systems. Dans Baillieul, J., & Samad, T. (édit.), Encyclopedia of Systems and Control (p. 1-7). Lien externe


Pelletier, M., Saunier, N., & Le Ny, J. (2020). Differentially Private Analysis of Transportation Data. Dans Farokhi, F. (édit.), Privacy in Dynamical Systems (p. 131-155). Lien externe


Salhab, R., Malhamé, R. P., & Le Ny, J. (2020). Collective Stochastic Discrete Choice Problems: A Min-LQG Dynamic Game Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(8), 3302-3316. Lien externe


Toumi, N., Malhamé, R. P., & Le Ny, J. (décembre 2020). A Tractable Mean Field Game Model for the Analysis of Crowd Evacuation Dynamics [Communication écrite]. 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020). Lien externe

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