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Ajaja, J., Jomaa, W., Bocher, P., Chromik, R., Songmene, V., & Brochu, M. (2019). Hard turning multi-performance optimization for improving the surface integrity of 300M ultra-high strength steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(1-4), 141-157. Lien externe
Bag, A., Delbergue, D., Bocher, P., Lévesque, M., & Brochu, M. (2019). Statistical analysis of high cycle fatigue life and inclusion size distribution in shot peened 300M steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 118, 126-138. Lien externe
Bag, A., Lévesque, M., & Brochu, M. (2019). Effect of shot peening on short crack propagation in 300M steel. International Journal of Fatigue, 131, 105346 (9 pages). Lien externe
Gervais, B., Vadean, A., Brochu, M., & Raison, M. (2019). Rebuttal to comments by R. Dumas. Multibody System Dynamics, 47(4), 439-440. Lien externe
Hodonou, C., Balazinski, M., Brochu, M., & Mascle, C. (2019). Material-design-process selection methodology for aircraft structural components: application to additive vs subtractive manufacturing processes. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103(1-4), 1509-1517. Lien externe
Javadi, H., Jomaa, W., Songmene, V., Brochu, M., & Bocher, P. (2019). Inconel 718 Superalloy Controlled Surface Integrity for Fatigue Applications Produced by Precision Turning. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 20(8), 1297-1310. Lien externe
Klotz, T., Lévesque, M., & Brochu, M. (2019). Effects of rolled edges on the fatigue life of shot peened Inconel 718. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 263, 276-284. Lien externe
Wu, Y., Bousser, É., Schmitt, T., Tarfa, N., Khelfaoui, F., Rene, R., Sapieha, J.-E., & Brochu, M. (2019). Thermal stability of a Stellite/steel hardfacing interface during long-term aging. Materials Characterization, 154, 181-192. Lien externe