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Documents publiés en "2018"

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Nombre de documents: 3

Demir, M. Ö., Karabulut Kurt, G., Dartmann, G., Ascheid, G., & Pusane, A. E. (mai 2018). Security analysis of hamming codes in relay aided networks [Communication écrite]. 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2018), Izmir, Turkey (4 pages). Lien externe

Demir, M. O., Karabulut Kurt, G., Dartmannz, G., Ascheidx, G., & Pusane, A. E. (octobre 2018). Security Analysis of Forward Error Correction Codes in Relay Aided Networks [Communication écrite]. Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018), Thessaloniki, Greece (5 pages). Lien externe

Sabucu, Y., Pusane, A. E., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (juillet 2018). Trust-Based Stable Matching Approach for Carrier Aggregated Heterogeneous Networks [Communication écrite]. 41st International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2018), Athens, Greece (4 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 03:13:04 2025 EST.