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Cabrera-Diego, L. A., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Durette, B. (juin 2016). Evaluating multiple summaries without human models: A first experiment with a trivergent model [Communication écrite]. 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2016), Salford, United kingdom. Lien externe
Da Cunh, I., Sanjuan, E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Castellon, I., & Lloberes, M. (mars 2016). Extending automatic discourse segmentation for texts in Spanish to Catalan [Communication écrite]. 1st Workshop on Modeling, Learning and Mining for Cross/Multilinguality (MultiLingMine 2016), Padova, Italy. Lien externe
González-Gallardo, C.-E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Montes Rendón, A., & Sierra, G. (2016). Perfilado de autor multilingüe en redes sociales a partir de n-gramas de caracteres y de etiquetas gramaticales. [Social Network Multilingual Author Profiling using character and POS n-grams]. Linguamatica, 8(1), 21-29. Lien externe
Linhares Pontes, E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Huet, S., & Carneiro Linhares, A. (septembre 2016). Tweet Contextualization using Continuous Space Vectors: Automatic Summarization of Cultural Documents [Communication écrite]. Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2016), Évora, Portugal. Publié dans CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1609. Lien externe
Ménard, E., Khashman, N., Kochkina, S., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Velazquez-Morales, P., Zhou, F., Jourlin, P., Rawat, P., Peinl, P., & Pontes, E. L. (2016). A Second Life for TIIARA: From Bilingual to Multilingual! Knowledge Organization, 43(1), 22-34. Lien externe
Morchid, M., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Dufour, R., Ramirez-Rodriguez, J., & Linarès, G. (2016). Automatic Text Summarization Approaches to Speed up Topic Model Learning Process. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications, 7(2), 87-109. Lien externe
Pontes, E. L., Huet, S., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Linhares, A. C. (juin 2016). Automatic text summarization with a reduced vocabulary using continuous space vectors [Communication écrite]. 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2016), Salford, United kingdom. Lien externe