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Documents publiés en "2016"

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Nombre de documents: 3

Correia, M., Provost, J., Chatelin, S., Villemain, O., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2016). Ultrafast harmonic coherent compound (UHCC) imaging for high frame rate echocardiography and shear-wave elastography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 63(3), 420-431. Lien externe

Correia, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2016). 4D ultrafast ultrasound flow imaging: in vivo quantification of arterial volumetric flow rate in a single heartbeat. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 61(23), L48-L61. Disponible

Correia, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (septembre 2016). In-vivo 4D ultrafast vector flow imaging: quantitative assessment of arterial blood flow [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2016), Tours, France (4 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 01:33:40 2025 EST.