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Documents publiés en "2015"

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Nombre de documents: 6

Département de génie électrique

Cabana, J.-F., Ye, G., Boudreau, M., Levesque, I. R., Atchia, Y., Sled, J. G., Narayanan, S., Arnold, D. L., Pike, G. B., Cohen-Adad, J., Duval, T., Manh-Tung, V., & Stikov, N. (2015). Quantitative magnetization transfer imaging made easy with qMTLab: software for data simulation, analysis, and visualization. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part A (Bridging Education and Research), 44A(5), 263-277. Lien externe

Duval, T., Gasecka, A., Pouliot, P., Côté, D., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (mai 2015). Validation of MRI microstructure measurements with Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) [Affiche]. ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Lien externe

Stikov, N., Boudreau, M., Levesque, I. R., Tardif, C. L., Barral, J. K., & Pike, G. B. (2015). On the accuracy of T1 mapping: Searching for common ground. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 73(2), 514-522. Lien externe

Stikov, N., Campbell, J. S. W., Stroh, T., Lavelée, M., Frey, S., Novek, J., Nuara, S., Ho, M.-K., Bedell, B. J., Dougherty, R. F., Leppert, I. R., Boudreau, M., Narayanan, S., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Picard, P.-A., Gasecka, A., Côté, D., & Pike, G. B. (2015). In vivo histology of the myelin g-ratio with magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 118, 397-405. Lien externe

Stikov, N., Campbell, J. S. W., Stroh, T., Lavelee, M., Frey, S., Novek, J., Nuara, S., Ho, M.-K., Bedell, B. J., Dougherty, R. F., Leppert, I. R., Boudreau, M., Narayanan, S., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Picard, P.-A., Gasecka, A., Cote, D., & Pike, G. B. (2015). Quantitative analysis of the myelin g-ratio from electron microscopy images of the macaque corpus callosum. Data Brief, 4, 368-373. Disponible

Institut de génie biomédical

Cabana, J.-F., Ye, G., Boudreau, M., Levesque, I. R., Atchia, Y., Sled, J. G., Narayanan, S., Arnold, D. L., Pike, G. B., Cohen-Adad, J., Duval, T., Manh-Tung, V., & Stikov, N. (2015). Quantitative magnetization transfer imaging made easy with qMTLab: software for data simulation, analysis, and visualization. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part A (Bridging Education and Research), 44A(5), 263-277. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 02:32:43 2025 EST.