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Documents publiés en "2015"

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Nombre de documents: 4


Lehouillier, T., Nasri, M. I., Omer, J., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (2015). Solving the air conflict resolution problem under uncertainty as an iterative bi-objective mixed integer linear program. (Rapport technique n° G-2015-111). Lien externe

Lehouillier, T., Omer, J., Soumis, F., & Desaulniers, G. (mai 2015). A new variant of the minimum-weight maximum-cardinality clique problem to solve conflicts between aircraft [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2015), Metz, France. Lien externe


Omer, J. (2015). Comparison of Mixed-Integer Linear Models for Fuel-Optimal Air Conflict Resolution With Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(6), 3126-3137. Lien externe

Omer, J. (2015). A space-discretized mixed-integer linear model for air-conflict resolution with speed and heading maneuvers. Computers & Operations Research, 58, 75-86. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Jan 4 02:35:49 2025 EST.