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Béguin, C., & Étienne, S. (juin 2015). Transverse and rotational galloping of square cylinders at low Reynolds numbers [Communication écrite]. 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Hawaii, USA. Non disponible
Charreton, C., Béguin, C., Ross, A., Étienne, S., & Pettigrew, M. J. (2015). Two-phase damping for internal flow: Physical mechanism and effect of excitation parameters. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 56, 56-74. Lien externe
Charreton, C., Béguin, C., Yu, K. R., & Étienne, S. (2015). Effect of Reynolds number on the stability of a single flexible tube predicted by the quasi-steady model in tube bundles. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 56, 107-123. Lien externe
Pelletier, É., Béguin, C., & Étienne, S. (2015). Experiments of air bubbles impacting a rigid wall in tap water. Physics of Fluids, 27(12), 16 pages. Lien externe
Tixier, E., Béguin, C., Étienne, S., Pelletier, D., Hay, A., & Ricciardi, G. (juillet 2015). Fluidelastic instability in tube arrays subject to two-phase cross flow: A porous medium approach [Communication écrite]. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2015), Boston, MA, United states (10 pages). Lien externe