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Amor, M. B., Gaudreault, C., Pineau, P.-O., & Samson, R. (2014). Implications of integrating electricity supply dynamics into life cycle assessment: A case study of renewable distributed generation. Renewable Energy, 69, 410-419. Lien externe
Cheriet, M., Lemieux, Y., Nguyen, K. K., Farrahi Moghaddam, R., Khazri, S., Samson, R., Maurice, E., Dandres, T., & Vandromme, N. (août 2014). Life cycle assessment of videoconferencing with call management servers relying on virtualization [Communication écrite]. 2014 Conference ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S-14), Stockhom, Switzerland. Publié dans Advances in Computer Science Research (vol. 2), 2. Disponible
Dandres, T., Gaudreault, C., Seco, P. T., & Samson, R. (2014). Uncertainty management in a macro life cycle assessment of a 2005-2025 European bioenergy policy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 36, 52-61. Lien externe
Farrahi Moghaddam, R., Farrahi Moghaddam, F., Dandres, T., Lemieux, Y., Samson, R., & Cheriet, M. (août 2014). Challenges and complexities in application of LCA approaches in the case of ICT for a sustainable future [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2014), Stockholm, Sweden (10 pages). Disponible
Imbeault-Tétreault, H., Lesage, P., Estrela, S., & Samson, R. (août 2014). Integration of Québec wood industry data in the Québec LCI database: How can the industry directly benefit? [Communication écrite]. World Conference on Timber Engineering: Renaissance of Timber Construction (WCTE 2014), Québec City, QC, Canada. Non disponible
Lebailly, F., Levasseur, A., Samson, R., & Deschênes, L. (2014). Development of a dynamic LCA approach for the freshwater ecotoxicity impact of metals and application to a case study regarding zinc fertilization. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(10), 1745-1754. Lien externe
Pinsonnault, A., Lesage, P., Levasseur, A., & Samson, R. (2014). Temporal differentiation of background systems in LCA: relevance of adding temporal information in LCI databases. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(11), 1843-1853. Lien externe
Samson, R., Cherriet, M., Lemieux, Y., Nguyen, K., Farrahi Moghaddam, R., Dandres, T., & Maurice, E. (août 2014). Modelling of electricity mix in temporal differentiated life-cycle-assessment to minimize carbon footprint of a cloud computing service [Communication écrite]. 2014 Conference ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S-14), Stockhom, Switzerland. Publié dans Advances in Computer Science Research, 2. Disponible