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Nombre de documents: 11


Arnaoudova, V., Eshkevari, L. M., Penta, M. D., Oliveto, R., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (2014). Repent: analyzing the nature of identifier renamings. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40(5), 502-532. Lien externe


Bavota, G., Oliveto, R., De Lucia, A., Marcus, A., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (février 2014). In medio stat virtus: Extract class refactoring through nash equilibria [Communication écrite]. IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering, and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE 2014), Anvers, Belgique. Lien externe


De Smet, B., Lempereur, L., Sharafi, Z., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Antoniol, G., & Habra, N. (2014). Taupe: Visualizing and analyzing eye-tracking data. Science of Computer Programming, 79, 260-278. Lien externe


Eshkevari, L. M., Antoniol, G., Cordy, J. R., & Penta, M. D. (mai 2014). Identifying and locating interference issues in PHP applications: the case of WordPress [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2014), Hyderabad, India. Lien externe


Guerrouj, L., Di Penta, M., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (2014). An experimental investigation on the effects of context on source code identifiers splitting and expansion. Empirical Software Engineering, 19(6), 1706-1753. Lien externe


Jaafar, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Hamel, S., & Antoniol, G. (2014). Detecting asynchrony and dephase change patterns by mining software repositories. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 26(1), 77-106. Lien externe


Khomh, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Antoniol, G., & Di Penta, M. (2014). Modèles de qualité et conception des programmes. Dans Évolution et maintenance des systèmes logiciels . Lien externe

Kpodjedo, S., Galinier, P., & Antoniol, G. (2014). Using local similarity measures to efficiently address approximate graph matching. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 164, part, 161-171. Lien externe


Medini, S., Arnaoudova, V., Penta, M. D., Antoniol, G., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Tonella, P. (2014). Scan: an approach to label and relate execution trace segments. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 26(11), 962-995. Lien externe


Panichella, S., Bavota, G., Di Penta, M., Canfora, G., & Antoniol, G. (septembre 2014). How Developers' Collaborations Identified from Different Sources Tell Us about Code Changes [Communication écrite]. 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2014), Victoria, British Columbia. Lien externe


Wei, W., Adams, B., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (septembre 2014). ACUA: API Change and Usage Auditor [Communication écrite]. 14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2014), Victoria, British Columbia. Lien externe

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