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Fallah, M. A., Malhamé, R. P., & Martinelli, F. (juillet 2013). Distributed estimation and control for large population stochastic multi-agent systems with coupling in the measurements [Communication écrite]. European Control Conference (ECC 2013), Zürich, Switzerland. Lien externe
Mhada, F. Z., Malhamé, R. P., Sadr, J., Gharbi, A., & Pellerin, R. (octobre 2012). (Q. s) models for inventory policy with random component procurement lead times [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2013), Rabat, Maroc. Lien externe
Mhada, F., Malhamé, R. P., & Pellerin, R. (2013). Joint assignment of buffer sizes and inspection points in unreliable transfer line with scrapping of defective parts. Production & Manufacturing Research, 1(1), 79-101. Lien externe
Nourian, M., Caines, P. E., Malhamé, R. P., & Huang, M. (2013). Nash, social and centralized solutions to consensus problems via mean field control theory. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(3), 639-653. Lien externe