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Documents publiés en "2013"

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Nombre de documents: 6

Article de revue

Ndih, E. D. N., & Cherkaoui, S. (2013). Modulation network coding. IET Communications, 7(16), 1715-1728. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Abid, M. A., Chakroun, O., & Cherkaoui, S. (juin 2013). Pedestrian collision avoidance in vehicular networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary. Lien externe

Omar, C., & Cherkaoui, S. (octobre 2014). Enhancing safety messages dissemination over 802.11p/DSRC [Communication écrite]. 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks - Workshops, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Lien externe

Said, D., Cherkaoui, S., & Khoukhi, L. (juin 2013). Advanced scheduling protocol for electric vehicle home charging with time-of-use pricing [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary. Lien externe

Said, D., Cherkaoui, S., & Khoukhi, L. (juillet 2013). Queuing model for EVs charging at public supply stations [Communication écrite]. 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013), Sardinia, Italy. Lien externe


Berbineau, M., Jonsson, M., Bonnin, J.-M., Cherkaoui, S., Aguado, M., Rico-Garcia, C., Ghannoum, H., Mehmood, R., & Vinel, A. (édit.) (2013). Communication technologies for vehicles : 5th International Workshop, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains 2013, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, May 14-15, 2013. Proceedings. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 01:44:12 2025 EST.