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Anjos, M. F., & Vieira, M. V. C. (2013). Semidefinite Resolution and Exactness of Semidefinite Relaxations for Satisfiability. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(18), 2812-2826. Lien externe
Bernardi, S., & Anjos, M. F. (2013). A two-stage mathematical-programming method for the multi-floor facility layout problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(3), 352-364. Lien externe
Engau, A., Anjos, M. F., & Bomze, I. (2013). Constraint selection in a build-up interior-point cutting-plane method for solving relaxations of the stable-set problem. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 78(1), 35-59. Lien externe
Monishaa, M., Hajian, M., Anjos, M. F., & Rosehart, W. D. (août 2013). Chance-constrained generation expansion planning based on iterative risk allocation [Communication écrite]. IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control (IREP 2013), Rethymno, Greece (6 pages). Lien externe
Anjos, M. F. (2013). Recent progress in modeling unit commitment problems. Dans Modeling and optimization : theory and applications (Vol. 62, p. 1-29). Lien externe
Anjos, M. F., Ghaddar, B., Hupp, L., Liers, F., & Wiegele, A. (2013). Solving k-way graph partitioning problems to optimality : the impact of semidefinite relaxations and the bundle method. Dans Facets of combinatorial optimization (p. 355-386). Lien externe
Anjos, M. F., Liers, F., Pardella, G., & Schmutzer, A. (2013). Engineering branch-and-cut algorithms for the equicut problem. Dans Discrete geometry and optimization (Vol. 69, p. 17-32). Lien externe