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Documents publiés en "2009"

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Nombre de documents: 4

Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Mohamed, M., & Wu, K. (mars 2009). Electrical compensation of fiber chromatic dispersion induced RF power fading in optical double-sideband subcarrier modulation [Communication écrite]. Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe

Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Mohamed, M., & Wu, K. (2009). Precompensated optical double-sideband subcarrier modulation immune to fiber chromatic-dispersion-induced radio frequency power fading. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networking, 1(4), 331-342. Lien externe

Sakib, M. N., Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Mohamed, M., Jiang, W., Wu, K., & Shen, D. (2009). Impact of optical transmission on multiband OFDM ultra-wideband wireless system with fiber distribution. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27(18), 4112-4123. Lien externe

Sakib, M. N., Zhang, X., Hraimel, B., Mohamed, M., & Wu, K. (2009). Investigation of the performance of multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultrawideband over fiber transmission under the presence of in-band interferers. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 1(3), 235-244. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 02:26:40 2025 EST.