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Akyel, C., Babic, S. I., Wu, K., & Mojica, J. F. (2006). Improvement in the mutual inductance calculation of thin coaxial circular coils with constant current density in air. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 5(6), 970-977. Non disponible
Babic, S. I., & Akyel, C. (2006). New analytic-numerical solutions for the mutual inductance of two coaxial circular coils with rectangular cross section in air. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42(6), 1661-1669. Lien externe
Babic, S. I., & Akyel, C. (2006). New mutual inductance calculation of magnetically coupled coils: thin disk coil-thin wall solenoid. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 20(10), 1281-1290. Lien externe
Akyel, C. Resonator Characterization by Microwave Active Circuits [Communication écrite]. Complex Computing-Networks - Brain-Like and Wave-Oriented Electrodynamic Algorithms. Lien externe
Sklyuyev, A., Ciureanu, M., Akyel, C., Ciureanu, P., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (juillet 2006). Ferromagnetic resonance properties of arrays of magnetic nanowires [Communication écrite]. 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference (ANTEM 2006), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Sklyuyev, A., Ciureanu, M., Akyel, C., Ciureanu, P., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (mai 2006). Measurement of complex permeability of ferromagnetic nanowires using cavity perturbation techniques [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical Computer Engineering, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Lien externe