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Blanc, I., Friot, D., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (octobre 2004). How to assess the Environmental State of EU regions with the global concept of sustainability? [Communication écrite]. 18th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection (ENVIROINFO Conference), Genève, Suisse. Lien externe
Blanc, I., Jolliet, O., Friot, D., & Margni, M. (novembre 2004). Aggregation issues for EPSILON sustainability indicators [Communication écrite]. PEER Conference: Use of indicators for sustainability, Helsinki, Finlande. Non disponible
Jolliet, O., Pennington, D., Amman, C., Pelichet, T., Margni, M., & Crettaz, P. (2004). Comparative assessment of the toxic impact of metals on humans within IMPACT 2002. Dans Dubreuil, A. (édit.), Life cycle assessment of metals: Issues and research directions (p. 192-198). Lien externe
Margni, M., Pennington, D. W., Amman, C., & Jolliet, O. (2004). Evaluating multimedia/multipathway model intake fraction estimates using POP emission and monitoring data. Environmental Pollution, 128(1-2), 263-277. Lien externe
Margni, M., Pennington, D. W., Bennett, D. H., & Jolliett, O. (2004). Cyclic exchanges and level of coupling between environmental media: Intermedia feedback in multimedia fate models. Environmental Science & Technology, 38(20), 5450-5457. Lien externe