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Alonso, S., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2003). A Torque-Based Analysis of the Reverse Roll Coating Process. Chemical Engineering Science, 58(9), 1831-1837. Lien externe
Arzate, A., Ascanio, G., Carreau, P. J., & Tanguy, P. A. (novembre 2003). Extensional Properties of Coating Colors at High Strain Rates [Communication écrite]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2003), Washington, DC, USA. Lien externe
Arzate, A., Ascanio, G., Carreau, P., & Tanguy, P. A. (octobre 2003). Extensional rheology of paper coating colors at high strain rate [Communication écrite]. 75th annual meeting of the Society of Rheology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Non disponible
Ascanio, G., Foucault, S., & Tanguy, P. A. (juillet 2003). New Chaotic Approach for Mixing Shear-Thinning Fluids in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Summer Engineering Conference (FEDSM 2003), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Lien externe
Ascanio, G., Foucault, S., & Tanguy, P. A. (2003). Performance of a New Mixed Down Pumping Impeller. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 26(8), 908-911. Lien externe
Bertrand, F., Giguere, R., & Tanguy, P. A. (juin 2003). Recent Progress on the Modeling of Complex Flows in Twin-Screw Extrusion [Communication écrite]. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, Vols 1 and 2, Cambridge, MA. Lien externe
Bertrand, F., Thibault, F., Delamare, L., & Tanguy, P. A. (2003). Adaptive finite element simulations of fluid flow in twin-screw extruders. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 27(4), 491-500. Lien externe
Heniche, M., Reiden, M. F., & Tanguy, P. A. (2003). CFD analysis of laminar flow through KMX static mixers. NLGI Spokesman, 67, 10-18. Non disponible
Mmbaga, J. P., Hayes, R. E., Huijben, C. A., Bertrand, F., & Tanguy, P. A. (janvier 2003). Simulation and analysis of metered size press coating flow [Communication écrite]. 53th CSChE Annual Conference, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Non disponible