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Lefebvre, É., Bourgault, M., Prefontaine, L., & Lefebvre, L.-A. (2003). Understanding the driving forces behind the internationalisation process of fast-moving SMEs: Implications for export assistance programs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 3(5-6), 447-467. Lien externe
Lefebvre, É., Cassivi, L. A., Lefebvre, L.-A., Léger, P. M., & Hadaya, P. (2003). Supply chain management, e-collaboration tools and organizational innovativeness. Journal on chain and network science, 3(2), 81-94. Lien externe
Lefebvre, É., Cassivi, L., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Léger, P.-M. (2003). E-collaboration within one supply chain and its impacts on firms' Innovativeness and performance. Journal of information systems and e-business management, 1(2), 157-173. Lien externe
Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Talbot, S. (2003). Determinants and impacts of environmental performance in SMEs. R & D Management, 33(3), 263-283. Lien externe
Bendavid, Y., Hadaya, P., Talbot, S., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Lefebvre, É. (janvier 2003). Uncovering the business logic behind the use of electronic platforms: the case of the automotive industry [Communication écrite]. International Association of Management of Technology, Nancy, France. Non disponible
Lefebvre, É., & Lefebvre, L.-A. (janvier 2003). E-commerce adoption trajectories among manufacturing SMEs [Communication écrite]. International Association for the Development of Information Society. Lien externe
Lefebvre, É., Cassivi, L., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Léger, P.-M. (janvier 2003). An empirical investigation of the impact of electronic collaboration tools on performance of a supply chain [Communication écrite]. 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2003), Big Island, HI, USA (10 pages). Lien externe
Von Zedtwith, M., Haour, G. G., Khalil, T., & Lefebvre, L.-A. (mars 2001). Management of technology - Growth through business innovation and entrepreneurship [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Management of Technology, Lausanne. Non disponible